my thoughts & notions on software and cloud enginnering, infrastructure, design, and more.
How we simplified outbound bandwidth & simulcast configuration with Daily’s send settings
Cost Optimization with AWS Kinesis
How we accelerated deployments with Kubernetes and Streamlined Automation
Product/Platform Engineers or Frontend/Backend Engineers
How Heroku changed how we build and deploy software.
Building cBiox in the cloud, on a budget
Heroku HTTP Origin Header didn't match request.base_url
Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure
Past, Present, and Future of React Performance and State Management
Databases for Serverless & Edge
Winning Configurations for cost Optimization with AWS Services - The pros and cons
Using Serverless Redis for Your Database
Learn once, write everywhere – na the JavaScript way.
Running Chrome in a Docker Container
Spotify API with Js
Building a Design System Monorepo with Turborepo
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